Home > Uncategorized > セクシーな脚?


  • 2006-02-27 (Mon) 20:46
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フィリピーナは、ある一面ファッショナブルだと思います。殆どの女の子は保守的な服が好きではありません。彼女達は、肌を見せるファッションが好きです。ある女の子が短いスカートまたは普通のパンツを履いています。もし貴方が彼女の立場ならどちらの服を選びますか?...ホット レッグス!!!もちろん白い脚を見せれば、関心を引くでしょう?それは男の気を引きますか?良いでしょそれ?もしフリーなら...全ての男はそれを見るのが好きでしょう。彼女は、ショーウィー または アグレッシブ?このてのタイプのフィリピーナは、保守的ではありません。私の意見に賛成ですか?

Filipina sort of fashionable in terms of the outfit. Almost women don’t like conservative type of dress. Almost shown their naked body if they really want to. Like this one a girl wearing short skirt. Which is better? A girl wearing short skirt or a girl wearing pants? If you are in her situation, what will you choose to wear, and why? …wow legs! or I say hot legs! Of course long-legged legs and white is attractive desho… Do it catch your attention guys? Will you feel hot??? It is free…and all men likes to look at it…Is she showy or aggressive ??? That type of Firipina is not conservative. Do you agree with me?

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 

Comments (Close):4

Ricky 06-02-28 (Tue) 8:05

You mean almost Filipinas are aggressive? Well, I don’t necessarily agree. Anyway, in Hawaii there live many Filipinas, who have a well tanned bear skin, long black hair, and white teeth. How attractive they are!

Leonor 06-02-28 (Tue) 9:08

Aloha Ricky! Good morning! Isn’t it a nice morning today…? And you are very fun when it comes to Filipina. Is your girlfriend Filipina? And you know her so well…you are right!

Ricky 06-02-28 (Tue) 10:02

Hi, Leonor?! Unfortunately I have no Philippine girlfriend now, but I’m living with a Filipino family as a boarder. The family has only two sons………Have a nice day!.

Leonor 06-02-28 (Tue) 22:24

Aloha Ricky! I think you have??? No need to hurry in a relationship…??? it’s so great if you have one especially Filipina type of girl!Don’t you think so!

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