Home > Career > The motorist…

The motorist…

  • 2009-03-01 (Sun) 22:48
  • Career


Good day to all blog viewers! How are you doing there? I hope you have a great day. By the way, she is a motorist…You want to ride with her motor? But before riding in a motor you should know precautions of it. Be sure that a driver must wear a helmet same also with the back ride person. Above all you must secure a driver license everytime you drive. Abide the rules of trafficking. And lastly drive safely as you can be…Have a nice day to all!

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Comments (Close):4

kirin 09-03-02 (Mon) 1:56

Hi! I was back from Bacolod! I met with my girl friend and her baby! He is so cute!
We went to Lagoon park and enjoy sunny day there. I want to visit there again!!

Ichiro 09-03-02 (Mon) 12:52

motorbike… so excitiong but wtih danger. i saw some riders in Philippines without helmet. i hope every riders keep helmet on ride. one’s life is not only yours.

leonor 09-03-02 (Mon) 19:43

Hello Kirin, thank you for posting your comment. Hadn’t meet you na. I hope we can meet one of these days when you comeback here in Bacolod.

leonor 09-03-02 (Mon) 19:45

Hello Ichiro! Yup i agreed to you…always be aware everytime you drive not only in a motorbike is dangerous, any kind of transportation vehicle, don’t you think so?

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