Home > Hobby > Textmate???


  • 2009-02-16 (Mon) 21:34
  • Hobby


Good day to all blog viewers! I hope all of you are doing fine. By the way, have you encountered people like of texting? She is one of a kind. Always got a message on her cellphone!!! Is it her textmate or someone knows her who she is…Beware of textmate it might a problem to you! Don’t you think so?

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Comments (Close):2

Nobu 09-02-17 (Tue) 16:06

Hi, Leonor.

Yup, here in Japan there’re many people who are already addicted by using cellphone all the time especially young people like her.
I think they can not live without it…
Some people bring it, even in a bath-room…now I don’t know why they do…

Actually I used to be like them hahaha, but now I don’t need it all the time.It because of age I think.It makes me busy and tired…

Have great time.


leonor 09-02-17 (Tue) 21:16

Its really a fun thing to think about people bringing their cellphone in the bathroom, but any way technology has its own uses and we enjoy using it. thanks for the comment. Have a great day.

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