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I hate him!!!


Good day to all blog viewers! How are you doing there? I hope all of you are doing fine. By the way, when you hate a man what do you usually do? But this woman is different from the other women…Play with her 45 caliber gun…This is a unique way of putting herself when she gets angry…So dangerous!!! Have you meet a girl like her? Have a nice day to all!

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Comments (Close):4

Ricky 09-02-04 (Wed) 7:35

Scary! But this hit-woman is cool.

leonor 09-02-04 (Wed) 21:07

Hello R icky! Thank you for posting your comment. So cool but dangerous!!!

Nobu 09-02-07 (Sat) 17:24

Hi, there.

I think it’s really good way to refresh her stress to shoot a gun…
even so dangerous….

By the way, I’m Nobu from Japan.
I used to stay in Cebu for almost a year for studying English.
When I was there I really enjoy my life thanks to all Filipinos.
They were all friendly and hospitable so I was satisfied with everything from your country!!

I wanna go back there ASAP if I could…

I also have weblogs about Cebu, so you’ll know waht I did.
Hopely you’ll visit my site when you’re free.”Cebu info
This is my weblog in English and another one is more useful because of huge of photoes, but it’s written by Japanese.
Please visit my Japanese weblog about Cebu “セブ島観光

Enjoy your life with all your friends , family , and your special.

I’ll visit here again.


leonor 09-02-08 (Sun) 17:36

Hello Nobu! Thank you for posting your comment. you’re welcome here in Bacolod city if you’d like to visit our place. Good luck in your study of English…

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