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hope 1



Call me by the name of Sweety,Age 22,a GRO, from Mindanao,This is my story…..I was born and raised their in a small town of Ipil,where my father is a simple farmer,My mother died while giving birth to me,and at the time when President Etrada sat as a President in the year of 1998,he dechaired an all out war in Mindanao.And in an unfortunate twist of faith while running away in a middle of cross fire between the Army andthe MILF,my father and my older brother was hit by stray bullets while running to safety for cover,,……………I cried and i cried and wished that i should have died with them….Now im alone and trying to be strong,,,,An old couple witout offspring,found me and takes care of me,I thought i found a family in them but it was not….Coz i step on the age of 18 my foster father raped me without knowing of my foster mother..I kept it and bare it with me every single dayof my life.At the age where I have my first boyfriend He asked me to run away with him to Manila.And I grabbed it and go with him,,,without saying goodbye to them..i was left the house,hoping for a new lif in Manila with the one i love…………

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Comments (Close):4

hiroaki 07-06-20 (Wed) 17:25

Hi, Leonor. Am I addressing you correctly? I’m quite a bit confused because I’ve just started viewing your blog by chance a few weeks ago. I have no idea of who you are nor what you are. Then recently I have viewed blogs posted by a person named Nobya, on the course of viewing your blog, a few times. But first I did’nt realize that was the blog was written by you. Am I right to conceivethat Leonor and Nobya as the very same person? Any way, the blog I just viewed today is a very serious and, at the same time, very shocking one. I don’t know what I should say after vieiwing that at all. However, I would like to express my sympathy and want you to know that there is a person who feels very sorry for what you experienced, at least. I’ sorry Leonor. Have a nice day.

Leonor 07-06-21 (Thu) 22:28

Hello Hiroaki! The truth is that yhe story I shared to my blog is not actually what I’d experienced, it’s others experienced. I hope I don’t give any confusion to you. That’s all!

hiroaki 07-06-22 (Fri) 11:56

O.K. I got it. Thanks for letting me know that.

Leonor 07-06-22 (Fri) 22:26

You are welcome Hiroaki! have a nice viewing ofmy blog!

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