Home > Uncategorized > Triplets…


  • 2008-12-02 (Tue) 20:04
  • Uncategorized

Good day to all blog viewers! How are you there? I hope all of you are doing fine. By the way, have you seen triplets before? Just like the picture I posted, they believe that having a triplets kids is lucky. Do you believe on this? Other triplets may have two boys and one girl, or either. So much difficult on mother’s part. What do you think?

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Comments (Close):2

hiroaki 08-12-02 (Tue) 20:50

Long time not posting, syempre Leonor. In my life time I have known a triplets only once. They are one boy and two girls. All of them are cute and smart. I think it must be very busy to raise a triplets for the parents but at the same time they are three times as lucky as other parents are. And the triplets in the picture are so cute too.

Leonor 08-12-04 (Thu) 18:54

Hello Hiroaki! Thank you for posting your comment. I hope you gonna have triplets baby soon..Hehehe! Have a nice day!

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