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Totally damaged road…

  • 2008-08-19 (Tue) 20:19
  • Uncategorized

Good day to all blog viewers! How are you today? By the way, on the other side of the world railroads are constructed. More buildings are build up. But what happen to my country. Suffering from wet road when there is rain. Such a hindrance because it delays from transfer. Anyway, what would you feel?

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Comments (Close):3

hiroaki 08-08-20 (Wed) 21:09

Are you having another typhoon? I feel very sorry for the people of the PHs. Because many of the typhoons hit my island in Japan after they hit the PHs. Walang Magagawa, di ba?

Leonor 08-08-20 (Wed) 21:17

Hello Hiroaki, yes we have another typhoon. Now in Manila they are experiencing signal no. 1, we expect here in Bacolod 3 days more to go that typhoon will hit our place.

hiroaki 08-08-21 (Thu) 22:13

Has it passed? I hope bacolod did not ge much damgage form it.

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