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The wind blows closely to me…

  • 2008-07-21 (Mon) 19:36
  • Uncategorized


Good day to all blog viewers! How are you today? By the way, standing at the front of the seaside makes me feel that I am the princess of the sea. I could say this because everything is so close to me. The air, the sun, the sand that makes me feel glowy. Very free from the busy environment which is so uncomfortable to experience on the city. Don’t you think so?

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Comments (Close):2

george 08-07-22 (Tue) 8:02

yes, I think so from my heart.
oh I cant wait the holiday .
i will be able to spend the time with my angel at the heaven.

Leonor 08-07-22 (Tue) 18:40

Hello george! Thank you for posting your comment. Maybe you just thinking of your angel at this lady on my blog.

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