Home > Uncategorized > TAAS MO TO


  • 2006-09-28 (Thu) 8:47
  • Uncategorized


こんにちは!元気ですか?この写真はアジアのベストビールです。サンミゲルビールです。フィリピンで作っている有名なビールです。沢山の品物がサンミゲルに関係しています。サンミゲルライト、レッドホース、サンミゲルバレルド等です。この国の経済を助けています。サンミゲルの商品は何処ででも目にします。パーティーなどには必ずあります。フィリピン人の友好関係”タアス モ ト”その意味は友達に乾杯です。

Hello blog viewers! Good evening to all of you! I hope all of you are doing fine. This is a picture that portraits the Asia’s Best Beer…The San Miguel Beer. This is one of the proudly made Philippine product. A lot of variety has comeout that is related to San Miguel products, there is San Miguel Light, Red Horse Beer, San Miguel Barrelled. It is also one of the economic helpers of the country. During occassions it is impossible that you cannot find any San Miguel products. It is one of the life of the party, most of all it nourishes the true Filipino friendship…”Taas Mo ‘To” which means a tossed for the friendship. A pleasant day to all!!!

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Comments (Close):2

Jolly Roger 06-09-28 (Thu) 17:55

Hello,Miss Leonor !
I always have a look at your blog happily.
The San Miguel Beer! I know that.
Do they have the basketball team where it is sure?
This beer has seen it in Japan.
toast a friend !!
May I request it?
Please report delicious snacks such as beer or liquor.
So, always take care and God bless you.

Leonor 06-09-28 (Thu) 19:06

Hello Jolly Roger! How are you today? You are right! San Miguel Team was their basketball team before, I don’t know now. I don’t watched anymore so I am not updated with PBA teams. Have a nice evening!

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