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STM (Societe de Transport de Montreal)


Have a good day to all blog viewers! How are you doing there? I hope everyone is alright. By the way , this is the STM bus… The STM bus network consists of 170 daytime and 20 nighttime service routes. These routes has collaborated no. for the bus you wanted to have a ride. Very much convenient, around $2.75 for the fare. Enjoy riding on STM…

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Comments (Close):2

Kirin 09-08-07 (Fri) 15:40

Hi! Leonor! Having nice life in Montreal?
How long will you stay there? Cheers!

leonor 09-08-10 (Mon) 5:15

hello Kirin, sorry for late reply, thanks for the comment…Not much really that nice…Maybe two years or more…I miss Philippines!

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