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They caught a fish…

  • 2008-11-10 (Mon) 20:27
  • Uncategorized

Good day to all blog viewers! How are you doing there today? I hope all of you are having a good time at your house as well as with what you are doing now. Like them actually they were having fun. They caught a fish unluckily just a few. They will cook these fish to have something to eat. What do you think? Have a nice day to all!

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 

Comments (Close):2

hiroaki 08-11-10 (Mon) 22:48

I wish I were there. I’m a fisher man, so I could help them get more fish. Any way “bona pettei”.

Leonor 08-11-11 (Tue) 21:23

Hello Hiroaki, thank you for posting your comment. You are one of them very interested to catch a fish. I hope you could catch enough fish.

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